The Dark Ambient genre evolved out of the Industrial, Experimental, and Noise genres of the 1970s. The arrival of affordable synthesizers, samplers, and effects units in the 1980’s led to more complex styles like Ritual Industrial, Black and Doom Metal, Dark Wave, Gothic, and who can forget the reverberating chains and tortured screams of Dungeon Synth?
Our yearly immersion in the morbid emotions of fear, death, and horror at Halloween, provides an insight into the more aesthetic and environmental qualities of Dark Ambient. Whereas the horror genres aim to shock and terrify, Dark Ambient seeks merely to disturb, evoke feelings of isolation, melancholy, and confinement, and reflect an atmosphere of gloom and darkness.
I'm DR. DARKO, and on this transmission of HEARTS of SPACE, a subterranean underworld journey for Halloween, on a program called DARKTIME ATMOSPHERES. Music is by BRANNAN LANE, CHRISTIAN WITTMAN, SUN'S MUSE, SHIBALBA, REMANENCE, YEN POX, INSECTARIUM, and TOR LUNDVALL.
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