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06 January 2023


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January 8th, 2023. For some reason I rarely put Comments on a webpage. For this week's Hearts Of Space Program, No.1, First Flight, a deeply rising impulse compels me to do so, with a great sense of gratitude. Hoping others may find this Comment of use, it is offered.

A friend of mine way back in the Year 1984 told me about Hearts Of Space. He knew that for me, it was a time of great personal misery, everything and everyone failing and lost. Total wipeout disaster. Not the first time. So I listened to HoS on the local radio station, probably KPBS-FM, 89.5 FM, in a not so sunny Southern California.

The soon memorized mantra of "slow music for fast times", and the programs which confirmed that claim, were a big help. I looked forward to devoting every late Sunday evening for an hour comfort where none else existed anywhere else and not much of it for the future. (That's bad.)

Stephen Hill's voice then was much younger, if I may say so--(40 years earlier, he had to remind me!), and yet his quiet narrative voice over these many years has always added to the ambiance of ambient.

I missed the first few HoS programs, but after maybe the fifth one, I do remember vividly deciding to preserve that feeling. So I began using my even-then "old" quarter-inch slow-moving reel-to-reel tape recorder to preserve Program No.6, "Cathedral Spaces." After probably a dozen reels of HoS programs later, I used those nearly as old cassette tapes. I still have a box of them. (I eventually recorded a First Flight re-run too, using a computer audio recorder. Much easier!)

Now I am very pleased to have an annual renewal subscription for the "Channels," which offers me many new and old programs. There is rarely a time when nothing appeals to me, providing that same slow and quiet comfort. There is little else on radio or television that interests me: it's simply not the same.

To Stephen and Leyla Hill on their 40th Anniversary of Hearts Of Space, I offer my gratitude and thanks, for decades of comfort. It came along at the right time then, and the time is still right, now.

RJG, thank you for your years of faithful listening (and recording;-) and your generous estimation of the program. Listeners like you make doing this job a pleasure!
Safe journey :: SH

Wow! 40 years. Congratulations. Through HOS, I discovered two great artist - Enya (Watermark) and Constance Demby (Novus Magnificat). Also discovered Michael Stearns (Encounter), Steve Roach, Kevin Braheny, Richard Bermer, Dead Can Dance, and others. I happened upon HOS, in 1985, while listening to the local PR station KUNC-91.5FM in Greely, CO. I was really bummed when they decided to stop airing the show ~20 years ago. I'm so glad I can now stream it on my computer. Keep up the great work.

I discovered Hearts of Space on a dark, cold, winter night in northern Minnesota about this time of year in 1993. I fell instantly in love. I had never heard Space Music before. Your shows have always been an inspiration to me. It inspired my own college radio station shows at Drexel University, near where you went to school at UPenn. Lot's of love to you, Stephen Hill and the Hearts of Space team!

I picked up the "First Flight" CD in a Barnes and Noble when it came out some years ago. As a long time listener of the radio show, I recognized the vibes emanating from the music department speakers. Sure enough, they were playing the (then) just released CD in the store. I immediately purchased a copy. Compilations aren't something I return to often, and it's rare for one to survive the periodic purges of my music collection. But not only do I return to "First Flight" often, it's opened up a number of portals into deeper music enjoyment. From this audio launching pad I've explored the back catalogues of Michael Stearns, Kitaro, David Darling and others. Many thanks to the HOS team for this expertly curated playlist, and for all of those that followed.

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