IF THERE'S ONE QUALITY THAT APPLIES TO EVERY VARIETY OF JAZZ, it's great musicianship. These cats can really play, and sometimes they get so into it that virtuosity becomes the subject of the music. But there's another tradition in jazz, famously exemplified by MILES DAVIS' classic Kind of Blue. Lyrical. Quiet. Subtle. Spacious. It's not about how many notes you play: it's about how beautifully you play them. As one musician says, it's about "loving every note."
On this transmission of Hearts of Space, we explore a quietly intense world of melody, space and feeling, on a Nordic spacejazz journey called RESTRAINT. Norwegian pianist TORD GUSTAVSEN is featured, plus PIERRE FAVRE, RUSSEL WALDER, MARK ISHAM & ART LANDE, MARJORIE DE MUYNCK, and the ALEX CLINE ENSEMBLE.
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