The Vernal or March equinox is one of two very special days of the year. Not because humans say so, although many cultures have celebrated them for centuries. No, it's more cosmic than that. Whether by accident or design, the earth's axis tilts — a little more than 23 degrees relative to the sun.
Our cosmic tilt is the reason we have seasons: as we orbit the sun, the earth's axis tilts toward it, and then away from it. In March and September, the axis is right in the middle, and the sun points directly at the equator -- so night and day are almost exactly the same length everywhere on earth.
In the northern hemisphere, the vernal equinox is the official tipping point between winter and spring. After this, the days grow longer until the summer solstice, then shorter until they're equal again on the autumn equinox, then shorter still until the winter solstice in December.
On this transmission of Hearts of Space, we mark this moment in our yearly orbital journey with ambient electronics for the seasonal transition, on a program called EQUINOX. Music is by HOLLAN HOLMES, JONN SERRIE, MEG BOWLES, RUDY ADRIAN, CLIVE WRIGHT, and TELOMERE.
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I Heard a Great and Different Song at the End of Show # 945 last Night on NPR Radio. It Was a Full Orchestra Sounding + Excellent Coool Music Then some Breif Roll-out Music before Closing Credits...
He Did Say it was Show 945 and It was the Last Full Song. Please tell Me the Name of It - Song and Name of the Artist Please Easier By Cell Phone ###-###-#### Or you can Email this Info 2 [email protected]
Posted by: Kenneth Windham Sr. | 16 May 2011 at 04:22 PM
Glad you really liked that music. You can always find all the information about all the tracks and artists in our shows on our website,
Once you know the program number or name, you just search for the program, or see it in the list of Recent Shows on the home page. Then click the title of the show for a list of all the tracks and artists in that show, together with a running timeline, showing when in the hour each piece started and stopped.
In this case, the final two piecses of PGM 945 were by BRIAN KEANE & OMAR FARUK TEKBILEK, from their album entitled KELEBEK - THE BUTTERFLY [Soundtrack]. "Yusuf Prays" ran from 49:17 to 54:54, then "Zeynep's Romance" closed out the hour from 54:54 to 58:59.
:: HOS
Posted by: Stephen Hill | 16 May 2011 at 07:51 PM