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26 February 2010


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Boy, what a throwback.Very calming as I prepare to report taxes for 2009.

BTW, this brings me to the question, does anyone know what music by Brian Eno was used in the 1985(?) PBS "Creation of the Universe" documentary narrated by Timothy Ferris? Does anyone know if it on an album?

Richard, here's your answer from Steve Davis:

"The theme music for that movie was an original Brian Eno composition titled simply "Theme from 'Creation.'" The movie also used snippets of 1/1 from 'Music for Airports' and "Chemistry" from Hassell & Eno's 'Possible Music.' But I think Richard is asking about the theme music. It was released on a CD in 1988: 'Music for Films III' which is a compilation featuring Eno, Daniel Lanois, Michael Brook, Laraaji, et al."

Steve Davis
Associate Producer

Thank you so much, Steve Davis. I found it immediately once you told me where to look.

I have that PBS documentary, I still watch it, the science still holds up well, and I am enamored of CERN, especially now, twenty-five years after the film was made.

And, thanks to HOS, I have bought a great deal of Brian Eno over the years.

So, I figured I must have it.

I am listening to it right now. I am very appreciative of the help.

So, thanks again, Steve Davis, and, as always, thank you Stephen Hill.

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