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23 February 2010


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Great! Thanks for the upgrades. Now on to for the IPhone app....

Hi Susie. Though it may seem like our iPhone app is taking forever to appear, we've actually been working on it steadily. I'm going to post an item about it here on our blog shortly with the whole story.
:: SH

Great Job - thanks very much

My connection seems to be dropping (as the program says) quite a bit today. Have you noticed issues related to this with the new roll out? All other internet connectivity seems to be okay with no interruptions on other streams.

That said, thank you for the continued work!

iPhone/iPod touch HOS app would be gravy! I love to listen while working in my greenhouse and lugging a laptop out there to stream HOS isn't the best idea. I am so glad to hear you guys are working on one! I can't say "thank you" enough for HOS and the crew that keeps the whole thing evolving and broadcasting.

Response to Greg, 3/2/10: You and one other person (only) are having this problem, so it's likely not on the HOS side. Please contact me directly at [email protected] and let's figure it out and fix it!

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