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13 March 2009


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Hearts of Space
Disgusted is a weak word. Since HOS began a campaign for subscriptions so Sunday programs could remain free, I have not received a single weekly playlist which I have received for several years, yet my sign-in to the web-site works very well. I have tried to access the Sunday on-line program at various times in the last 6 months, never with success. Either I get a note that I need a plug-in or the program shuts down after a minute or two. I am accessing with a 2 year old MAC and a new Tosihba Laptop. My up-dates are the latest for both my computers as suggested by your web-site.
Many albums I have purchased based on what I have heard on HOS. No more! I have not subscribed to your request for funds to keep the Sunday Program free because I have not heard the Sunday Program for 6 months. HOS is no longer a favorite program. If I miss a NPR presentation, you can be sure I will not attempt to listen to it on your web-site. I have no confidence this message will reach you since I spent 30+ minutes trying to find a "contact us" site and have little confidence this is other than an exercise in futility, leading me to think you really do not want listener commentary. Why should I send you money to keep Sunday free when even before your request I could not access the program?

Disgusted and no longer an avid listener. PB

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